Catan Board Game
The Catan Game is a replica of the popular Catan Board Game. Developed with TDD and with an emphasis on writing tests to cover all relevant BVA values, this project was designed with testing in mind to achieve code and mutation coverage. It also incorporates i18n principles, with an option for a different language using translations and locales.
Summit Productivity Tracker
The Summit Productivity Tracker was designed as a way to unify common productivity data in one place. It includes a todo list, a habit tracker, a goal setter, and a pomodoro timer. It implements HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as uses Firebase for data and user management.  Summit
Computer Processor Design
The Computer Architecture Processor was designed as a general purpose processor with an accumulator-based architecture optomized to run Euclid's Algorithm. This required creating an assembly-type instruction set, designing a Datapath, Multi-Cycle RTL, and a Control Unit. The processor was modeled with verilog and tested and debugged with Quartus Prime and Model Sim to produce an execution Time of 4.8ms. Processor Report
Genetic Algorithm Research Project (GARP)
The Genetic Algorithm Research Project's objective was to simulate a population's evolution with the Java programming language. GARP included various parameters to promote diverse evolutionary pathways such as eliteism, crossover, selection, and mutation methods. It also included a GUI to not only visualize the simulation, but also easily update parameters to improve user experience.   Final Presentation PDF
Replica Pacman Game
The Replica Pacman Game was a take on the classic game Pacman programmed with Python to produce a responsive and intuitive game. It used responsive independent movement for the NPC ghost characters, and involved smooth, single-axis movement restrictions for the user. It being one of my first projects and also one in a team setting, exposed me to team development and served as an introduction to GitHub.   Presentation Video